2016 is just about to be over.

No fireworks this year, just a simple visit to my grandma’s in the morning (as usual) and a simple saturdate with my dearest Chelsea at Gardens by the Bay.

Much has happened this year – exciting things that rocked the world, and smaller things in my life that remind me to count each day – and make each day count – and be thankful for the little things I have.

Started off the year with new eyes (post-Lasik)… knowing that it will be my final year in school, and ended school on a high note, with good results and a job secured long before graduation. My relationship with Chelsea keeps on getting better. My running year started off not knowing what to do, then deciding to try out pacing and giving back to the running community… Somehow as the year progressed, I broke my personal bests in almost all categories I can think of – from the 5k to the marathon (yes finally!). And managed to cover 2,000 km in between. More importantly though, I joined Running Department, and met a whole new bunch of people and made quite a few running buddies.

I’m extremely thankful for my family and friends who are there every step of the way. Life was tough at some points, for instance, when deadlines converge during my final semester, or when I did not know whether my grandma would recover from her stroke. When I was facing a running injury, or when I doubted my ability to succeed…

Every year as I look back, the memories may be blurry. Some may be more distinct than others. But when I think back I’m always filled with a deep sense of gratitude.

Happy new year everybody!

Author: swee

A Singaporean student studying in University... making the best of every day (at least try!). Loves running, eating, and sometimes blogging.

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